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Echoes of the Prophet: Nawawi's 40 Hadith
“I had the honor of reviewing Imam Didmar Faja’s commentary on the classical 40 Hadiths of Imam Al-Nawawi. It is a rich book with valuable insights and reminders. May Allah accept this work and bless us all through the teachings of the Prophet, peace be upon him.”
—Muhammad bin Yahya al-Ninowy, author of The Book of Love
Grains of Destiny: Return to Victory Road
“Grains of Destiny takes the reader on a fascinating road trip to the Pacific Northwest through bracken hills, verdant with pine and fir stands, white-blanketed mountains and lakes abundant with fish. Philo, a retired physics professor, and his inquisitive passenger challenge each other as they explore the essence of consciousness, being and memory. A thought-provoking read!”
—Philip F. Schuster, author of Sun-Painted Man
When My Absence Becomes a Moon: New & Selected Poems
“Laureta Rexha establishes herself as a poet who explores and offers her own responses to the drama of modern humanity, from their relationship with the Creator to the individual’s relationship with themselves amidst their crisis of alienation.”
—Milazim Krasniqi, author of Rigjetja e Vetes
Berke Khan of the Golden Horde: The Mongol Leader Who Forged a Muslim Khanate
“Herewith I would like to congratulate Flamur for this essential work. It is important to find out how the Mongols embraced Islam and spread the faith into Asia; what the challenges were and who was responsible for such an important event. A great book!”
—Stef Keris, author of Europe’s Forgotten Ottoman Heritage, founder of Al-Muqaddima
The World According to Sami Frashëri
“Read this small book in one sitting or meditate on its eternal truths at random, to be gently reminded of how, during this unfortunate historical moment of widespread unrest, we might still live more peaceful, hopeful, just lives by educating our minds and purifying our spirits. … Happy discoveries.”
—Yahia Lababidi, author of
Quarantine Notes
The Spectacular Escape: A True Story
“In the oppressive shadows of communism, a humble Albanian couple discovers a path to a fresh start. How do they achieve this? Through a meticulously plotted, clandestine, and audacious escape. Fili graciously shares a concise tale that conveys a profound message: never waver in faith, and always harbor courage and hope, even when confronted with overwhelming adversity.”
—Brandon Mayfield, author of Atheism Versus Belief
Atheism Versus Belief: Arguments For and Against Religion
“Accessible, insightful, and patient … Brandon Mayfield does not evade the tough questions; in fact he does a great job at addressing them head on, in a manner that most can relate to and understand.”
—Crescent Reviews
Kosovo: A Brief Chronology
“The Chronology lays out succinctly the flow of human travels through the regions; ways in which these cultures contributed to language, commerce, arts, architecture, and other levels of human interaction. Vehapi’s exceptional work will be a reference source to support researchers in quickly identifying historical markers of Kosovo.”
—Qamar-ul Huda, U.S. Naval Academy, and editor of Crescent and Dove
Ertugrul Ghazi: A Very Short Biography
“The Turkish drama about Ertugrul Ghazi has been popular globally for several years, but most viewers do not know about this great warrior’s life and personality. This short biography beautifully fills that void.”
—Prof. Dr. Amber Haque, co-author of Psychology of Personality
Verses of the Heart: New and Selected Poems
“Flamur continues to remind us to look with awe for the hidden beauty all around us. He seems to see light in the grimmest of circumstances reminding us of Rumi’s saying, ‘There are beautiful things you can only see in the dark.'”
—Dr. Omar Reda, author of On the Shoulders of the Prophet
Fjalor Frazeologjik dhe Idioma Shqipe
“Ky Fjalor Frazeologjik dhe Idiomave Shqipe, përmbush ëndrrat e mia për t’u bërë ky libër, ku unë me plot vullnetin tim personal pasqyroj dashurinë dhe respektin për popullin dhe vendin tim. Qofshi të lumtur. Respekte.”
—Mr. Ruzhdi Gurra
Alo, komiteti?
Kjo dramë e rrallë është një përshkrim real i se përditshmes së regjimit kumunist qe bënin presion në popullin e pafajshem-liridashes në Kosovë! Fat, ky, i një pupulli nën okupim që asnjeher nuk u pajtua me mendësin kumuniste-Titiste!
Ertugrul Gazi: Një jetëshkrim i shkurtër
“Ky libër është një lëçitje joshëse që hapëron horizontet tuaja historike.”
—Paul Fattig, autor i Madstone
Arratisja Spektakolare: Tregim i një ngjarje të vërtetë
“Nje tregim motivues per lexues te te gjitha moshave.“
—Flamur Vehapi, autor i Ertugrul Gazi: Një jetëshkrim i shkurtër
Ertuğrul Gazi: Kısa bir biyografi
“Bir dünya imparatorluğunun doğuşunu sağlamış olmasına rağmen, gün geçtikçe unutulan bir Türk göçebe savaşçısı olan Ertuğrul’un bu kısa ve bilimsel biyografisini okuyucuya sunan bu kitabı tavsiye etmekten mutluluk duyuyorum.”
—Assoc. Prof. Dr. Amjad H. Hussain, A Social History of Education in the Muslim World yazarı
الغازي أرطغرل: سيرة موجزة
لقد أحيا المسلسل التُّركي الّذي انتشر عالميًّا بعنوان “قيامة أرطغرل” سيرة الشَّخصية التّاريخية الغامضة لأرطغرل، والد عثمان الَّذي أسَّس لحكم الأسرة العثمانية لإمبراطورية استمرَّت لما يزيد على ستمائة عامًا. وإنّي أوصي بقراءة هذا الكتاب الَّذي يعرض للقارئ في وقت قصير سيرة مكثَّفة ومنهجية لمحارب قبلي تركي منسي مهَّد لقيام امبراطورية عالمية
Assoc. Prof. —
،Dr. Amjad H. Hussain
مؤلِّف كتاب
A Social History of Education in the Muslim World
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